Elena Sharma


Talk To Me

Personal Profile

Code should tell a story.


The beginning is the creation of a vision. I thrive when I’m pulling together separate strands of ideas and winding them together into a implementable idea, whether I am writing words or code. The beginning is the brainstorming, the wire framing - the instantiation of the intangible.

The middle is the tough part. I fight this struggle with the agile, test-driven development and continuously integrated version control workflow I’ve learned at Dev Bootcamp. This is where all the interacting components of a project are woven together into a cohesive whole. I have an inherent need to help shape both the algorithmic structure that drives an app and the clean, beautiful flow of well-developed user interface.

The end is never really reached, because for we the detail-oriented perfectionists, the writers of code, there is always more that could be done - that could be built.

With my background as an editor and writer, I am uniquely positioned to write code that is elegant, readable, and free of bugs and inconsistencies. I bring my relentless creativity and zealous attention to detail to my work, whether I am coming up with a way to transform a user story from idea to code, discussing potential directions for a project with others, or writing thorough test coverage to cover the project’s bases.


Ruby on Rails







Dev Bootcamp

Apprenticeship in Web Development - Graduated: 2014

Dev Bootcamp is an immersive 19-week, 1000+ hours web development training program. At the culmination of the program, I pitched a final project idea that was selected out of 20+ ideas to be built and was Team Lead; we produced a motivational productivity app for writers built with Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, and tested with RSpec.

Languages and Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, Databases(SQL/Postgresql and Active Record), and HTML5 + CSS3.

Development Practices: Test-Driven Development (TDD), Model-View-Controller (MVC), Object-Oriented design, Agile development, Pair Programming, Git, and Heroku.

Scripps College

Bachelor of Arts - Graduated: 3.8 GPA, 2014

Graduated Cum Laude, English with Honors. Recipient of James E. Scripps Scholarship, a competitive merit scholarship.

Took and received grades of A in “Introduction to Computer Science” (CS5) and “Principles of Computer Science” (CS60) at Harvey Mudd College; covered Python, Java, Racket, and Prolog, in addition to deterministic finite automata, Assembly, and several domain-specific languages such as Unicalc and Picobot.



Junior Web Developer / San Francisco, CA / October 2014 - November 2014

Dev Bootcamp Deploy is a selective three week long immersive work opportunity that occurs after completing the eighteen week core curriculum. This program focuses on extending apprentices' knowledge by connecting them with a client for whom they develop a product. I was one of six apprentices who worked under the mentorship and supervision of a senior developer.

Developed client-thick application for APTED (Association of Professionals Treating Eating Disorders). Managed project workflow and learning new technologies in a fast-paced production environment. Responsible for significant amount of feature testing as well as client-facing forms and dashboard functionality of the CRM created for the client.

Technologies used: React.js with Flux architecture, Ruby on Rails, RSpec, Capybara, PostgreSQL, Pivotal Tracker, Slack, CircleCI, git, and GitHub.

[in]Visible Magazine

Lead Copy-Editor / Claremont, CA / February 2011 - May 2012

Delegated tasks to other copy-editors, organized meetings with writers, and edited copy. Led workshops with writers and copy-editors on: persuasive writing; news, editorial, and other writing styles; grammar, proofreading, and editing skills. Attended regular meetings with magazine president, Head of Design, and Head of Writing to coordinate magazine vision and create final product.

Copy-Editor / Claremont, CA / August 2010 - February 2011

Edited every article submitted to magazine for writing and grammatical quality over several drafts. Set up individual meetings with writers at each draft stage to go over edits and to refine individual style, quality, and tone depending on the article type.


Past and present projects.
